BDPST Group continues its activities on the financial market


BDPST Capital Zrt. has signed a share purchase agreement to acquire Tarragona Holding Zrt. that owns Diófa Asset Management. The procedures for the authorisation granted by the Hungarian Competition Authority and the acknowledgement of the transaction by the National Bank of Hungary are in progress. As a result of the investment, the capital investor establishes the foundations of a financial group of companies working in synergy.

The overall strategic objective of BDPST Group is to become a group of companies with outstanding performance and to be competitive on global markets in line with a clear vision across sectors and borders. The principle and practice of economic, social and environmental sustainability are of key importance to the group. BDPST Group is looking for investments that meet all these requirements at the same time. Diófa Asset Management has been among the first to start an ESG fund on the Hungarian market, and it is considered one of the pioneers of the green finance approach in Hungary with it.

BDPST Capital Zrt. also belongs to BDPST Group, which entered the financial market after acquiring shares in Gránit Bank. The transaction in progress is the next step in this strategic direction.

“Our aim is to capture the opportunities for synergies lying in the operation of Gránit Bank and Diófa Asset Management, as a result of which the value of both companies can increase significantly”, said Judit Tóth, member of the board of BDPST Group.

Just like before, Diófa Asset Management is to be managed by an autonomous professional management. The chairman of the board of the company is Róbert Barlai, who has nearly 30 years of experience in the Hungarian and regional banking sector and on the capital market. Furthermore, the asset management company wishes to appoint Balázs Benczédi as CEO following the finalization of the supervisory permission and the receipt of the authorization by the National Bank of Hungary. During his career, the expert was head of ING Asset Management, and he was CEO of MKB-Pannónia Asset Management until 31 December 2021.

Established in 2009, Diófa Asset Management has significant professional experience with the management of real estate as well as securities investments. The total value of the investment portfolio managed by the bank-independent asset management company exceeds HUF 460 billion. The company manages assets worth more than HUF 360 billion in investment funds, furthermore, it provides asset management services to private pension funds, insurance companies and other institutional investors. Besides, the company is also in charge of providing premium asset management service. The company manages the third largest real estate fund and one of the most successful institutional real estate funds in Hungary. Its real estate portfolio includes a number of exclusive, Class A office buildings.